Welcome to M1911.ORG
The M1911 Pistols Organization Forums Site

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If you intend to buy something from the companies advertising above, or near the bottom of our pages, please use their banners in our sites. Whatever you buy from them, using those banners, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
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There are some special rules for this forum. These are:

  • - This forum has been created as a place where members can provide a service to other members by posting information about 1911s and peripherals of potential special interest, or of great value and which are not offered in Internet auctions. We now allow links to companies/vendors who have web sites and listings, however please do NOT post links to on-line auctions such as gunbroker.com or Auction Arms. This forum section is to connect members with special pistols or other 1911 peripherals you may encounter in retailers, small gunshops, antique shops, and/or private sales, and with exceptional deals they might not find on their own.
  • - This forum space is only for posting “leads” to 1911 pistols and peripherals, not for all firearms of collector value. For example, Ballester-Molina or Star 1911 “near clones” have some special interest and are derived from the 1911. They are okay. A NIB German Luger from WW2 is not 1911-related and is not okay, despite its special interest value.
  • - The member posting the information is responsible for verifying with the seller that the pistol is not listed in an on-line auction site. Please include not only a brief description of the pistol but also the requested selling price, the name and address of the seller, the seller’s telephone number, and (if available) the seller’s e-mail address, if the seller does not have the pistol posted on the Internet at a fixed, published price.
  • - You may not post links to something you sell in another site.
  • - Members who wish to follow up on “leads” posted in this forum area should contact the poster directly by PM (private message) rather than by posting if they are unable to contact the seller.

To protect our members from the opportunistic individuals, registered members can post in here only if:
  • - they are registered for more than 30 days in this forum.
  • - they have contributed more than 30 posts to our discussions.

Do not try to post here if you do not meet these requirements.

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Forum: Good deals on 1911 and peripherals

The place to post information relating to 1911s or peripherals of potential interest to members, which are for sale in shops near you or that you have found on the Internet. This includes great deals you have found for either a pistol or a peripheral (parts, grips, holsters, bags, the works). In general, the place were members will check to find what good deals you have discovered.

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Sponsors Panel
If you intend to buy something from Brownells, please use their banners above. Whatever you buy from them, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
If you want to become a sponsor and see your banner in the above panel, click here to contact us.

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