Welcome to M1911.ORG
The M1911 Pistols Organization Forums Site

John needs your help
Please read this message.

Sponsors Panel
If you intend to buy something from the companies advertising above, or near the bottom of our pages, please use their banners in our sites. Whatever you buy from them, using those banners, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
If you want to become a sponsor and see your banner in the above panel, click here to contact us.

Forum: House Keeping

Or anything related to M1911.ORG, its Home Page and its Forums Site
Not for asking pistol related questions.

Sub-Forums Threads / Posts  Last Post

  1. This is where we'll post new announcements, like things we find on the net, or whatever we think should be of interests to the members.
    New threads can be started by Mgm team only. Regular members can only read and post answers to existing threads.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 322
    • Posts: 4,249
  2. Forum open for posting to Industry Representatives only.
    This is the place for manufacturers of 1911-related goods, to post their announcements.
    This is not a discussion area, just an area where vendors can announce their offerings or other interesting news.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 181
    • Posts: 237
  3. Please use this forum for announcing training courses related to firearms, self-defense etc.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 7
    • Posts: 11
  4. Where to post your questions about M1911.ORG, the Home Page, the E-zine and the Forums Site, or where you can make suggestions about our Organization.
    Do not post pistol- or parts-related questions here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 659
    • Posts: 6,604
  5. We are interested in hearing your opinion about M1911.ORG, the Home Page, the Forums Site or our E-zine.
    This is the proper forum to post it.
    Alternatively, you can use our Guestbook to leave us your opinion about us.
    Do not post pistol- or parts-related opinions in here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 572
    • Posts: 6,332
  6. Use this forum to post your "Hi there" message, when you first register. Tell us a little about you and what brought you here, what 1911s you own, or just say "Hi".
    This is not the proper forum to ask questions about your 1911 pistol. Use the forums below, for such things.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 1,657
    • Posts: 7,569
  7. A special area to ask computer- or software-related questions.
    Please do not use this area for questions irrelevant to its purpose.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 21
    • Posts: 192
  8. This is where you may test forums functionality.
    Do not use this forum for discussions.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 0
    • Posts: 0

    Last Post:


Forum Information and Options

Moderators of this Forum

Sponsors Panel
If you intend to buy something from Brownells, please use their banners above. Whatever you buy from them, gives us a small commission, which helps us keep these sites alive. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Your help is appreciated.
If you want to become a sponsor and see your banner in the above panel, click here to contact us.

Non-gun-related supporters.
Thank you for visiting our supporters.